Mälarhöjdens IK (MIK) Fotboll har vunnit Jerringfondens Parasportpris 2020. MIKs parasportverksamhet startades 2014 genom samarbete med Everland Communications. Game on. #everland mark.blake@everlandcommunications.se
MIK Fotboll runs parasport teams for the visually impaired (MIK Sound, MIK Sound Junior) and young players with learning challenges (MIK All Stars and MIK All Stars Junior). The motivation for S:t Julianpriset 2019 from the City of Stockholm reads: “The football club’s broad parasport activities, together with partners, is a very good example of …
How to deliver what customers want? Big question in this age of mass customization, global cost competition and fast-paced innovation. See what you think. © Modular Management Group. All rights reserved. Design Magic: Gustav Grenås, Modular Management. Project Management and Script: Everland Communications.
RESULTATET AV 21 DAGAR 21 Dagar var ett experiment. Resultatet är interessant men ej statistiskt säkerställt. Inte alls. Detta var bara ett experiment i att fråga vad folk är för. 50 deltog. Det kom in 13 förslag och 225 röster på förslagen. Många deltagare verkar intresserade av att (1) samarbeta över blockgränser för att sätta …
In August we’ll start a 21-day network experiment. 21 days before the Swedish election we’ll ask you what you think. Drivers behind this experiment include curiosity about the median voter theory, the power of consensus and digital participation. Second reason is to test Appgree, high-capacity ideation software. On August 20 you’ll get a link. Now we …
Everland Communications AB respects regulations and your rights. We don’t collect cookies or store user details. Should we start we’ll let you know. #everland mark.blake@everlandcommunications.se